========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 15 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 813 Today's Topics: art5 Comments on STE -- (un)known facts dictionaries for sale/PD I Need HELP looking for ROM-Port-`Expander` Scrolling in GnuEmacs 18.51 on the Atari ST Technical Documentation (where??) UniTerm V2.0c and TOS 1.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 14 Dec 89 20:56:31 GMT From: trwrb!gibson@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Greg Gibson) Subject: art5 Message-ID: <244@trwrb.UUCP> >> I can not get the Word Writer paragraph format command to work. Does any >> know how to make it work >> Gregory Gibson ++ I think that all blank spaces (ASCII 32) gets converted to ASCII character ++ 30. There is a ASCII character 30 before every newline (ASCII 10). And ++ the end of a paragraph has no ASCII 30 before the newline. ++ Mark Lehmann << If you type carriage return, that marks the end of the paragraph. Just type << in your text without hitting carriage return and let Word Writer break the << lines for you. << Michael Fischer | Thank you for your help. I have a 2 part solution that can be implemented within Word Writer. 1. Use the Word Write substitue command to replace ASCII blanks with ASCII character 30. ASCII blanks can be created using the space bar. ASCII character 30 can be created using the 3 keys control shift 6. 2. Use the space bar to add a blank to the end of each line to be reformated. This will put an ASCII charater 30 at the end of those lines. It might be possible to do this by using the Word Writter substitute command to replace control L with control L control shift 6. Explanation: After I loaded a Word Writer doc file into micro-emacs, I notice the formatable paragraphs had ~~ instead of blanks and also had a ~~ at the end of each line. Shitf 6 is ~. Control ~ creates an ASCII character 30. In micro-emacs, control shift 6 appears as ~~. The rest is history. Gregory Gibson ------------------------------ Date: 14 Dec 89 18:19:50 GMT From: ubc-cs!alberta!atha!rwa@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Ross Alexander) Subject: Comments on STE -- (un)known facts Message-ID: <1311@atha.AthabascaU.CA> stephen@oahu.cs.ucla.edu (Steve Whitney) writes: >In article <881@per2.UUCP> dag@per2.UUCP (Daniel A. Glasser) writes: >>[reasonable stuff about TOS, with references] > >You know, I try to ignore stuff like this, but I just can't this time. I'd >send you nasty mail, but I want the people likely to be offended by this to >see the response. >First of all, the ST is a personal computer. The "Cookie Jar" is relatively >new to that arena. Secondly, how do you know it's 1982 technology if you don't >know how it's implemented or even the extent of what it does. [much more flamage] >If you want to scare Ken B. and others off the net, continue to offend them >this way. Remember, they have constraints to work within, not the least of [and yet more flamage]. Hey, Steve, do you know who DAG is ?? It's wise to listen carefully when he speaks... and if you disagree with him, stick to the facts and debate them on their merits. Are you familiar with the WIMP instruction? No?? Neither am I, but you seem to know that the cookie jar is a lot better, which is an interesting conclusion. Also, I think KenB is a little less timid than you imply. cheers, Ross ------------------------------ Date: 14 Dec 89 22:09:41 GMT From: zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!caesar.cs.montana.edu!ogicse! blake!ramsiri@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: dictionaries for sale/PD Message-ID: <4928@blake.acs.washington.edu> Does anyone know where I can get hold of dictionaries.. English, French and others... I heard of Austin Code Words... but have yet to be able track them down... Please e-mail ramsiri@blake.acs.washington.edu Thanks in advance -kevin ------------------------------ Date: 14 Dec 89 15:23:18 GMT From: att!cbnewsm!cbz@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (craig.b.ziemer) Subject: I Need HELP Message-ID: <7613@cbnewsm.ATT.COM> I have two questions: 1) I have a Mega 2 which will not do (ALT-HELP) screen dumps properly to an Epson LQ510 24 pin printer. It appears that all of the information is printed, but it is compressed to about 1 inch vertically. Horizontally it's OK. Apparently the printer is not scrolling the paper far enough on each scan. Printing out text files works just fine. Any suggestions? 2) I need a program which will allow me to maintain a listing of, and then print out mailing labels. Any suggestions for a good PD or shareware program to do this? Thanks folks! * Craig B. Ziemer %% DISCLAIMER: AT&T does not * * AT&T Bell Laboratories %%%%%% officially support what I * * Reading, PA %% just said, in fact, they * * UUCP ADDRESS: alux6!cbz %% rarely do :~) * ------------------------------ Date: 15 Dec 89 22:16:17 GMT From: ogicse!blake!ramsiri@ucsd.edu (Enartloc Nhoj) Subject: looking for ROM-Port-`Expander` Message-ID: <4941@blake.acs.washington.edu> In article <2850@ethz.UUCP> chris@ethz.UUCP (Christian Dreyer) writes: >I`m looking for a piece of hardware that gives the possibility to keep more >than one ROM-key in the port and that is reasonably priced. The ones that i >know cost all around $200. I`d need it to run several copy-protected pro- >gramms without rebooting after each use. Thanks a lot for tips/addresses! >-- > $ Chris Dreyer St. Gall Graduate School for Economic and $ > $ Student Social Science, Switzerland $ The only one I am aware of is "COMBINER" by C-LAB, the makers of NOTATOR. They want $349.00 (US) Which ones are $200? -kevin ------------------------------ Date: 14 Dec 89 20:48:32 GMT From: mcsun!unido!sbsvax!roeder@uunet.uu.net (Edgar Roeder) Subject: Scrolling in GnuEmacs 18.51 on the Atari ST Message-ID: <1823@sbsvax.UUCP> In article <1756@ultb.isc.rit.edu>, sto9719@ultb.isc.rit.edu (S.T. Organek) writes: > Has anyone else had a problem with the scrolling that Gnuemacs 18.51 > does on the Atari ST. The problem I have found is that when the screen > scrolls, the status bar also moves and gives the appearance of an a > window shade. Does anyone have an idea what this might be. Some said > something about the termcap I am using. > Yes indeed this has to do with the termcap entry. The emacs display routines were designed to minimize the traffic of bytes over a serial line from the computer to the actual display device (a terminal). Therefore emacs thinks that sending an escape sequence of two characters to delete/insert a line is faster than sending say 40 bytes of blank characters to delete the data displayed in this line. This may be true for a terminal, but on the st with it's graphic screen, the former operation could take some more time. The termcap-database format has a method to say how "expensive" an operation may be: the amount of padding needed. So all you have to do is to say emacs, that either the operations add line (al) and delete line (dl) are very expensive (you can specify eg. "al=80*\EL:dl=80*\EM" in your termcap entry), or you can ommit those features, so that emacs will no longer use them. But a word of warning: emacs uses this padding information (the number before the '*') for calculating the cost of the operation and then tries the cheapest way to reach its goal. Other programs may think, that the terminal needs 80-times the time as required to send the escape sequence to perform the actual operation. To do something while "waiting for the terminal to complete the operation", they may then decide to send some NUL-characters to the screen (those would be ignored by normal terminals). As a consequence the program will slow down even more - the st has to process those padding bytes too :-). ******** * BTW: * ******** I have a new (dumpable) version (18.55) ready. The dumped emacs has a size of 520 kB (360 kB packed) and leaves about 110 kB free on a 1MB ST (i would recommend using at least 2 MB - personally i use it with a 800 kB RAM-disk on my Mega ST2). It has (among other improvements): - mouse support - Interrupts (via ~G or ~Z) at any time (eg during loading of files) - suspend-emacs works with gulam too - shell-mode works (well at least with Master) - filenames of backup-files adapted to the st-limitations If there is enough interest, i could post temacs (that's the raw, undumped version), the standard-lisp-files and my postprocessor to relocate the image. The termcap problem above remains the same (it's inherent to the display routines). > > STeve Organek > - Edgar ------------------------------ Date: 14 Dec 89 22:39:13 GMT From: mailrus!cs.utexas.edu!oakhill!dover!digital!chen@purdue.edu (Jinfu Chen) Subject: Technical Documentation (where??) Message-ID: <476dac91.81da@digital.sps.mot.com> In article <8912120806.AA00934@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> S61304@PRIME-A.POLY-SOUTH-WEST.AC.UK (Rat) writes: >(From "The Masked Rat Fink" "Computing and Informatics Yr4") > >I don't know whether you non-British folks have heard of the BBC Micro >manufactured by Acorn (of Archimedies fame!) but this came supplied with one >of the best manuals that I have ever seen for a micro computer. It had loads >of system information, by which I mean things like memory maps, and system >call vector addresses. They even put a small paragraph in the manual about the >system routines, saying that they were not trying to hide the OS from the >programmer, infact they were being as open as they could be, whilst allowing >for future expansion. The use of vectors allowing the OS authors to >completely change the inside of the ROM anytime they liked without affecting >well written software! This meant that BBC Micro software was very robust, and >that no one really worried too much about OS versions, unless they specifically >wanted the extra facilities offered by it. If making money is not the goal of Atari Corp., I am very sure Atari will give you that as well. Would you expect a user who just wants a computer to do non- programming tasks to pay for the extra costs? Please, memory map and interrupt vector address, etc have no bussiness in a user manual. What all these documentations crap really comes down to the fact that Atari hasn't been publish a decent "Atari ST Programming Manual", and they did promise (not sure legally commited to it though). I don't know if Atari Corp. still sells the documentation-only Developer Package, maybe this may stop some of these amateur programmers moaning. ------------------------------ Date: 15 Dec 89 00:50:44 GMT From: silver!kclenden@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Kevin Clendenien) Subject: UniTerm V2.0c and TOS 1.4 Message-ID: <31623@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu> In article <8554@cs.yale.edu> fischer-michael@CS.YALE.EDU (Michael Fischer) writes: >In article <25010@cup.portal.com> R_Tim_Coslet@cup.portal.com writes: >>Other than this (BOMBS on exit) UniTerm seems to work fine under TOS 1.4. >>Has anyone else encountered problems like this with UniTerm (any version) >>under TOS 1.4? > >I've noticed this problem with UniTerm V2.0e, and I don't think it is >specific to TOS 1.4. UniTerm works fine when started from the >desktop, but when started from the Mark Williams shell, it will give >bombs on exiting, and sometimes the computer will subsequently crash. I had problems with Uniterm and NeoDesk. My problems related to having TRANSWRP.PRG in my auto folder. For some reason, if I loaded TRANSWRP.PRG, Uniterm would bomb when exiting back to NeoDesk. This also happened from 1st Word when exiting back to NeoDesk, if I had TRANSWRP.PRG loaded. Included on the NeoDesk disk is a program call SHEL_FIX.PRG. It might fix your problems. According to the documentation with SHEL_FIX.PRG, some of the usual TOS functions concerning shells don't like be used anywhere except from the real desktop. This program intercepts calls to these functions. It was written by Dan Wilga, I think. Permission is given to pass it around so long as it isn't modified, and the documentation is included. If you need a copy, let me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- kclenden@silver.bacs.indiana.edu Kevin Clendenien BLoomington Atari ST users group BLAST, President BLAST BBS - (812) 332-0573 FNET node #141 "Of course any opinions or views stated above do not necessarily represent the official position of any person, or organization other that of Kevin Clendenien." -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #813 *****************************************